My Philosophy on Blogging
Welcome back to my blog! Yes, after four posts in my first nine days as a blogger, it's now been a month to the day since I last blogged. Back in early December when I was weighing whether or not I should start a blog, one big argument against was the time it would take away from my already busy life. I especially didn't want it to take time away from my family. Thus, I made a deal with myself that I would blog when I wanted to and when I had time. I wouldn't feel the need to blog with a certain frequency and just write when the spirit moved me.
Since I last wrote I've continued to heal from our unsuccessful adoption. We're back on the adoption list to be matched again and hopeful but, understandably, a bit guarded. I met with the head of our adoption organization who had a lot of wisdom to share (I'll elaborate more in a future post). Per her suggestion based on birthparent input, I've been taking time to edit our adoption profile to streamline it more which will allow for more/bigger pictures.
I look forward to sharing in future blog posts some more detail as to how I'm doing as well as share some communications I've had with the birthmom over the past month. In fact, I already have a couple of blog posts written in my head which I'll commit to (electronic) paper and post in coming weeks.
But today I thought I'd share my first blog post on a non-adoption related topic. I will post that one directly following this one so stay tuned. :)
Thanks for sharing Meg. I think it makes sense to only blog when you want/are inspired to and not feel like is something that you *have* to do.